Misleading Danish Mobile Phones and Brain Tumour Study
Just about every news outlet is telling you that your cell phone is safe, yet no one is really telling you about the faults in the study.
I have been researching the cell phone and related microwave issue for almost 15 years. Everything I have read issues a risk. And I have read research dating back to the early 1940s.
Of course you can make a choice to use a cell phone, a microwave, a smart meter, or have wi-fi in your home but just don't be lulled by junk science. Get properly informed first before you wake up in 10 years with leukemia because your red blood cell production is failing because you carry your cell phone on your belt, or you can't have children, or you get thyroid disease or breat cancer, ovariam cancer or your children have behavioral problems or you get a heart attack.
"This misleading study has many flaws and serious confounders and should not give anyone reassurance that mobile phone use is not associated with an increase in brain tumours. In our opinion the paper should not have been published in this form — it should have failed peer-review. We recommend that it is disregarded as low quality science.
Denis Henshaw, Emeritus Professor of Human Radiation Effects at the University of Bristol agrees with this view: "This seriously flawed study misleads the public and decision makers about the safety of mobile phone use. I consider that their claims are worthless."" READ complete article
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and find more in this press release -
The BMJ is set to publish an 'update' to a study that finished over 4 years ago
[1](and used dataeven older) and was widely criticised at the time for its design - that it appeared to be
designed tocome out negative for tumours in that they had excluded heavy mobile phone users from the study(the business users).More recent studies - including the Interphone Study (itself somewhat flawed) - have shown asignificant increased incident of brain tumours and related cancers in long-term (10 years use for1/2 hour per day) mobile phone users.Because of these other studies etc. the World Health Organisation (WHO) in conjunction with theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have this year declared microwave radiation -used by mobile phones and other wireless devices - to be a class 2b carcinogen " Possibly carcinogenic to humans "[2]
This means that microwave radiation is a possible cause of cancer .The re-release of the Danish study is part of an industry-orchestrated backlash to delay legislationto limit microwave exposure and place mandatory health warnings on mobile phones (in the style ofcigarette packets) and other radiation emitting devices such as WiFi routers, smart meters andcordless landlines. The 4G spectrum sell-off would be adversely affected with such a move.
This is what we said about the Danish Cohort Study back at the end of 2006:-"
Danish Mobile Phone Study : He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
You might have widely read the story in the Press that "A long-term study, carried out by the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Denmark and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, has found no increased incidence of cancer among mobile phone users."
However, if you delve a little bit deeper you will find that all is not quite as it seems.
George Carlo, former head of the US WTR research project into Mobile Telephone health effects in the late 1990s had this to say: "John Boice and his colleagues have been on the cell phone industry payroll, and for big money, since the late 1990’s. The money laundering vehicle is the International Epidemiology Institute — the name sounds like a non-profit by design, but make no mistake, this is a big for-profit enterprise. When I ran the WTR, the International Epidemiology Institute, with Boice and a fellow named Joe McLaughlin, applied for funding to do this exact epidemiology study that was released this week. After much discussion within the WTR, they were refused funding because I felt they were blatantly biased and had overtly given us the notion that they would always create findings that were favorable to the industry."
The EM Facts Consultancy had the following to add: "Here’s the latest in industry funded cell phone studies that claim to have the final answer. When you see statements like “There’s really no biological basis for you to be concerned about radio waves,” and “people can become more reassured that these devices are safe” you can be sure the cell phone industry is paying the piper."
EMFacts Article and The Times Article
"http://mastsanity.org/home/2/108-danish-mobile-phone-study--he-who-pays-the-piper-calls-the-tune.html[2] http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf - IARC possible cancer announcement
The Mast Sanity Press Office can now be contacted on 0844 443 5750.
Registered UK Charity no. 1109757 Calling for Environmentally and Biologically safe communications networks and radiofrequency devices
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