18 Januari 2011

Stop Your Child's Ear Infections Naturally Without Antibiotics

UPDATE, 4 March 2011

Homeopathic Treatment of Otitis Media: A Literature Review

Paolo Bellavite  -  In this issue of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, the Clinical Roundup covers how practitioners treat otitis media. This article offers a review of key studies in homeopathic treament of this condition. py. The homeopathy group was treated with single remedies such as Aconitum 30x, Apis 6x, Belladonna 30x, Capsicum 6x, Chamomilla 3x, Lachesis 12x, and other remedies. The reference group was treated with antibiotics, secretolytics, antipyretics, and sympathomimetics such as nasal sprays. In the two groups the number of children remaining relapse-free and the average duration of pain were similar. In an observational study, Frei and Thurneysen4 sought to determine how many children with acute otitis media were relieved of pain with individualized homeopathic treatment. Children with this condition received a first individualized homeopathic medicine in the pediatric office. If pain reduction was not sufficient after 6 hours, a second (different) homeopathic medicine was given. After a further 6 hours, children who had not experienced pain control were started on antibiotics. Pain control was achieved in 39% of the patients after 6 hours and in another 33% after 12 hours. Compared with literature data the researchers had consulted, they stated that the resolution rate was 2.4 times faster than in untreated cases. The six most frequently prescribed remedies were Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Calcium Carbonicum, and Lycopodium. An interesting multicenter, prospective, observational study in a real-world medical setting compared the effectiveness of homeopathy with conventional medicine.5 Thirty investigators (Riley et al.) with conventional medical licenses at six clinical sites in four countries enrolled a series of patients with at least one of the following three complaints: upper respiratory tract complaints including allergies; lower respiratory tract…
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine used successfully by many over 100 million patients worldwide.  It has a laudable and extensively documented clinical record and there are literally hundreds of high quality, peer-reviewed basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies showing it works.  For more information on this system and the extensive research supporting homeopathy and it’s efficacy, please visitwww.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org
Antibiotics help ear infections in youngest children, studies show

Antibiotics pose many problems, one being that for the child's version they may contain toxic aluminum lake food coloring and aspartame.Additionally they can lead to yeast or other secondary infection as continued use ensues because the first one prescribed didn't work.

There are many natural treatments for ear ache ranging from Auralgan to garlic oil to using the child's urine as a homeopathic remedy.

Why risk their health along with gastrointestinal problems related to anti biotic use, or weakened immunity from the overload of vaccines that lately don't seem to be effective at all, or at least that's what the scientists are saying.

Here's some help  and remember that you can make a very good remedy of your own with organic garlic and olive oil.

The treatment is only modestly effective and reduces the period of infection only a small amount, but it helps relapses and progression of the ailment among patients under age 2, two new trials indicate.

January 12, 2011|By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times
The medical consensus on whether to give antibiotics to young children with ear infections has been swinging from one extreme to the other as conflicting clinical trials have pushed pediatricians first toward widespread use of the drugs, then toward a "watch and wait" approach in which most infections seem to clear up on their own.
Two new trials reported Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine are nudging the pendulum back toward treatment of the infections, especially for the youngest children. They show that the use of antibiotics in infants and toddlers under the age of 2 is only modestly effective and reduces the duration of symptoms by only a small amount, but it prevents relapses and progression of the disease.

This topic must have been of interest lately, here are some additional articles and information -

Remedies: Herbal Ear Drops for Infections

More than a third of American adults, and more than one in 10 children, use some form of complementary or alternative medicine, according to a government report. Natural remedies have an obvious appeal, but how do you know which ones to choose and whether the claims are backed by science? In this occasional series, Anahad O’Connor, the New York Times “Really?” columnist, explores the claims and the science behind alternative remedies that you may want to consider for your family medicine cabinet.
The Remedy: Herbal ear drops.
The Claim: They relieve pain from ear infections.
The Science: As many parents know, ear infections can be one of the most painful — and common — conditions that afflict children. Millions of cases are diagnosed every year, and some studies show that about 90 percent of all children in the United States experience at least one episode of acute otitis media, as the condition is known scientifically.
But treatment is controversial. Many doctors write antibiotic prescriptions even though medical experts say they do almost nothing to help, and in some cases may do more harm than good.
Depending on a child’s age and symptoms, medical experts advise parents to take a wait-and-see approach, in part because almost two-thirds of children recover from pain and fever within 24 hours of diagnosis. In the meantime, some doctors prescribe anesthetic medications like antipyrine combined with benzocaine to help ease the pain, but studies suggest that herbal ear drops may be just as effective, with minimal side effects.
In one study, published in The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in 2001, a team of pediatricians recruited 103 children ages 6 to 18 with earaches resulting from acute otitis media. The subjects were randomly split into groups and assigned to be treated with either anesthetic ear drops or an herbal ear drop known as Otikon, which contains extracts of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents like garlic, calendula, St. John’s wort and mullein (a flowering plant) in an olive oil solution. At the end of the study, the researchers found reductions in ear pain in both groups, and concluded that the herbal ear drop was just as effective as the anesthetic one.
A similar study appeared in 2003 in the well-respected journal Pediatrics. This time, the scientists used an herbal ear drop that contained the same ingredients as in the earlier study, as well as lavender and vitamin E. The scientists recruited about 180 children ages 5 to 18, then randomly assigned them to numerous groups. Some of the children received the herbal ear drops alone (three times a day, five drops at a time), and others received them in combination with the antibiotic amoxicillin. Other children were treated with anesthetic ear drops, with or without antibiotics.
Ultimately, the patients who were given the ear drops alone had greater pain relief than those who took them with the antibiotic. The scientists concluded that in many cases, the pain caused by acute otitis media may subside with the simple passage of time. But in cases where “active treatment” is needed for pain relief, an herbal ear drop may be just as good as one that requires a prescription.
The Risks: In the studies, no side effects were noted. But parents should always consult with a doctor before deciding on a course of treatment.

and from the homeopathic perspective -

Homeopathic remedies for relief of earache and ear infections

by Nicole Evans M.D.

Homeopathy is an alternative healing system offering a safe and inexpensive way to promote the body's natural ability to heal.  Homeopathy is a 200 year old medical modality which is widely used in India and Europe.  The homeopathic healing system is based on serially diluted substances using the "like cures like" principle.
Each homeopathic remedy has specific documented effects upon the mind and body. The homeopathic medicines listed below are indicated for the symptoms of earache, otitis media (middle ear infection) and otitis externa (swimmer's ear).  The most effective way in which to use these natural medicines is to find the homeopathic remedy whose descriptions most accurately match the ear pain, swelling, itching, inflammation, tingling, ringing, and/or pressure symptoms you are experiencing.
People who have little background in homeopathy often prefer to use pre-formulated combination homeopathic medicines containing preselected homeopathic remedies at correct potencies for a particular ailment. Thesecombination homeopathic medicines can be found online and in most health food stores.
The most useful homeopathic remedies for earaches and ear infections are listed below by their latin name followed by their common name and the author of the official materia medica from which the information on their indicated uses was derived.
Aconitum Napellus: (Boericke's) (Monkshood) For ears that are very sensitive to noises, external ear hot, red, painful, swollen and has a sensation as of a drop of water in left ear.
Allium Cepa: (Boericke's) (Red Onion) Relieves earache with shooting sensation in eustachian tube.
Apis Mellifica: (Boericke's) (The Honey-Bee) For relief of various swelling or puffing up of various parts. Relieves redness of external ear, inflamed, sore and stinging pains.
Belladonna: (Boericke's) (Deadly Nightshade) Provides relief of humming noises in ear, relieves beating, pain deep in ear, and tearing pain in middle and external ear.
Calcarea Carbonica: (Boericke's) (Carbonate of Lime) Relieves throbbing, cracking in ears, stitches, pulsating pain, deafness and inflammations.
Capsicum Annum: (Boericke's) (Cayenne Pepper) For relief of burning, stinging in ears, swelling and pain behind ears.
Causticum: (Boericke's) (Hahnemann's Tinctura Acris sine Kali) Relieves runny nose. Relieves ringing, roaring, pulsating with deafness, chronic middle-ear congestion and accumulation of ear-wax. Relieves hearing echoing of words and steps.
Chamomilla: (Boericke's) (German Chamomile) Relieves ringing in ears, earache with soreness and for ears that feel stopped.
Dulcamara: (Boericke's) (Bitter-sweet) A great remedy for earache, buzzing, stitches, swelling of parotid glands, and middle-ear inflammation.
Ferrum Phosphoricum: (Boericke's) (Phosphate of Iron) This remedy is most essential for the first stage of all fever-like disturbances and inflammations before the process sets in. Relieves the ears of noises and throbbing.
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum: (Boericke's) (Hahnemann's Calcium Sulphide) For relief of whizzing and throbbing in ears and for ears with discharge.
Kali Muriaticum: (Boericke's) (Chloride of Potassium) Relieves chronic, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear. Relieves swollen glands about ear. Relieves snapping and noises in the ear.
Mercurius Dulcis: (Boericke's) (Calomel) Has marked effectiveness in relieving congestion of inflammation of ear and eustachian tube. Provides relief of ear troubles of scrofulous children. A powerful remedy for relief of inflammation of the ear which may be marked by pain, fever, abnormalities of hearing, deafness, tinnitus and vertigo.
Mercurius Solubilis: (Boericke's) (Quick Silver) Greatly influences lymphatic system and glands. Relieves earaches, sticking pain and inflammations and helps when it worsens at night. For relief of thick, yellow discharge.
Plantago Major: (Boericke's) (Plantain) Relieves sticking pain in ears and relieves pain going from one ear to the other ear.
Silicea: (Boericke's) (Silica) Provides relief for noise sensitivity, roaring in ears and discharge of ears.
*The above information is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. 

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