What did you eat this weekend? We had a couple of new dishes, so we ate well, the kids? Not so much. They don't cope well with change.
We got 19 inches of snow last Thursday. Our park is like a ski slope with the snow so packed that it still sinks when you land a hard heel in the ground, but the kids can't put a dent in it with their 30 pound weights. We went sledding in Ft Tryon park Saturday and both kids had a great time. Thing 1 actually trudged all the way up the hill by himself and sledded down by himself too! At three and a half! I had visions of being the parent on the sidelines as my kids get older. It was both thrilling and bittersweet. But he had an awesome time. Thing 2 was also hooked to the speed of sledding. When Thing 1 was his age, he was petrified of the sled. But this weekend, Thing 2 was a beast, laughing all the way down.
We also toured a cute school in Inwood that we might choose for Pre-K for Thing 1 in the fall. The entire weekend was devoted to activities that reminded me how our little life with babies would be changing soon.
But there was so much snow last week that we parked our car a week ago Sunday and kind of forgot about it. Alternate side parking has been canceled for days, and we never even bothered to dig out. Instead we cancelled all our plans (I wasn't feeling great anyway) and stayed in. I wish I had a picture of our car, because it is COMPLETELY covered, and quite funny. And I think we own the only car on the street that hasn't been dug out. But...why move it? There is more snow scheduled to come Tuesday. I am feeling particularly beleaguered.
Here are some food highlights from last week and the weekend....
* I worked like crazy last week. I was late a couple nights and missed two nights altogether. The kids definitely had Chinese food with dad while I was gone, and there was talk of McDonald's too one afternoon. I whipped out a couple of furious texts to Daddy-Dearest though, and he later said it was too snowy to go to McDonald's. Hmmmmm....I hate being a nag. But McDonald's is the line. They don't even like it, so why parade it as a treat? I decided that I am morally opposed to McDonald's. It will only upset their tummy.
* I made a couple of new meals this weekend, and the kids ate precisely nothing for dinner both Saturday and Sunday night. I didn't lose my cool though. Everyone drank their milk and one night had a little bread (which was being served with dinner) so I know they were okay. I will persevere and they will eat those yummy dinners soon. Those recipes to come this week!
*After sledding I made an excellent (if I do say so myself) hot chocolate. I took 4 cups of milk, a quarter cup of rapadura or whole cane sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla, a shake of cinnamon and a heaping tablespoon of cocoa powder and heated it in a saucepan. I also added a little bit of shaved chocolate because we have it in the house. It made for a very special treat. Thing 1 inhaled it. Thing 2 kind of bit the straw on the cup, and didn't even drink half. He didn't even cry when I took it away from him....who knew?
* The car was so buried that we didn't even go to the grocery store. We stayed home. Since I over bought last weekend and worked too much during the week, we have plenty of food. At least to piece together some dinners.
31 Januari 2011
Not a Good Weekend to be Japanese Honeysuckle
I had the “opportunity” to spend this weekend pulling out Japanese Honeysuckle in Amicalola Falls State Park. Having invasive plants in State Parks seems especially awful – land that the state has set aside as a park should be free of pests. However, the forces that carry invasives (wind, water and wildlife) know no boundaries.
It was a beautiful weekend, warm and sunny. The park was full of visitors: young couples, Boy Scout hikers, families with young kids, older folks and lots of dogs! I have never spent much time at our state parks, but I can see the appeal. The price of admission is $5 per car, and there is a lot to see and do. You can get an annual pass if you are a frequent visitor. I encourage everyone to visit the website of Georgia State Parks and get familiar with our state parks - they need our support. Here are some kids having a great time in one of the streams around lunchtime.
My weekend was coordinated by the Georgia Native Plant Society. This is our third weekend devoted to pulling invasives in this park. Invasives can rarely be cleared in a single session – you invariably miss some and new seeds are always germinating. It is nice to return and see the natural beauty of the areas that we cleared last time. Of course the waterfalls are one of the main attractions in this park. We spent most of our time clearing honeysuckle in this area.
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Amicalola Falls |
Our villain this week was Japanese Honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica. This invasive was brought over as an ornamental and behaved itself for many years before it morphed into invasive thug. It now invades gardens and natural areas alike, strangling young trees and shrubs and smothering out timid perennials. The white and yellow flowers are very fragrant and invoke fond memories for many people. But the dark blue berries allow this plant to spread far away from where people have planted it deliberately. Winter is a great time to pull this plant – leaves are still visible and the soil is often moist enough to allow you to pull it out with few tools. This vine often forms a knotty structure at soil level – a handy place to grab and pull. The leaves can be green or bronze colored.
In the woods, plants are not always so robustly obvious. Much of the vine may be under leaves. We spent most of our time scanning the area for the vine with the pale colored stem and oppositely arranged leaves. Once you get that pattern burned in to your brain, you would be surprised at how well you can spot it.
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Marcia pulling out honeysuckle |
Our final total was 14 very large bags of honeysuckle. It is still too early to spot any plants in bloom, but we uncovered a few treasures as we cleared out the honeysuckle. This Chimaphila maculata will thrive now that the honeysuckle is gone, and the native Hydrangea arborescens will shine a little brighter without the competition wrapping itself around its branches.
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Chimaphila maculata |
Despite the work, the time spent was very enjoyable. We were able to use a cabin overnight and the five of us enjoyed a nice dinner together. Sometimes people would stop and ask us what we were doing - so we had some opportunities to explain why we take time to remove invasive plants. Of course we picked up trash as we found it and laughed at some of the sights like this old vehicle stuck in the woods – rumored to be the remains of a moonshiner’s truck.
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Quercus montana, Chestnut oak |
Even with the lack of blooms, signs of spring were everywhere. Buds on the trees were just starting to swell and under the dead leaves were the new leaves of many perennials like asters and goldenrod. Many different oak trees were in the area, but the new sprouts on these Chestnut Oak acorns (Quercus montana) were especially noticeable throughout the area in which we worked. Spring is right around the corner!
Keep Your Liver Clean and You Won't Have Many Problems
UPDATE: January 2011
UPDATE: March 2009 - It is very sad that Professor Ernst is so ignorant about herbs, especially since he has the title of complementary medicine professor.
In a country that is the home of Culpeper and Maud Grieve it amazes me that there is such a lack of academic prowess. The information in regard to dandelion and artichoke for liver health is rather extensive. Both herbs are ones I often use for people who have liver related health concerns, including Hepatitis.
Now that spring is about to arrive in the northern hemisphere it is time to focus on detoxification and liver health. If you'd like a copy of our liver cleansing program, just send a donation to CHI and put detox in the note, and you'll receive it promptly in an email.
You most likely won't do anything better for improving your health than periodic detoxifying with foods and herbs.
In this case I've got to side with Charles.
Original post, January 2008
UPDATE: March 2009 - It is very sad that Professor Ernst is so ignorant about herbs, especially since he has the title of complementary medicine professor.
In a country that is the home of Culpeper and Maud Grieve it amazes me that there is such a lack of academic prowess. The information in regard to dandelion and artichoke for liver health is rather extensive. Both herbs are ones I often use for people who have liver related health concerns, including Hepatitis.
Now that spring is about to arrive in the northern hemisphere it is time to focus on detoxification and liver health. If you'd like a copy of our liver cleansing program, just send a donation to CHI and put detox in the note, and you'll receive it promptly in an email.
You most likely won't do anything better for improving your health than periodic detoxifying with foods and herbs.
In this case I've got to side with Charles.
Prince Charles detox 'quackery' Prince Charles has been accused of exploiting the public in times of hardship by launching what a leading scientist calls a "dodgy" detox mix.
Edzard Ernst, the UK's first professor of complementary medicine, said the Duchy Originals herbal detox tincture was based on "outright quackery".
There was no scientific evidence to show that detox products work, he said.
Launching the product in January, Duchy Originals' herbalist said each mix had been meticulously researched.
Michael McIntyre added they were "manufactured to the highest standards after exhaustive lab testing".
But Professor Ernst of Peninsula Medical School said Prince Charles and his advisers appeared to be deliberately ignoring science, preferring "to rely on 'make-believe' and superstition".
He added: "Prince Charles thus financially exploits a gullible public in a time of financial hardship."
Marketed as Duchy Herbals' Detox Tincture, the artichoke and dandelion mix is described as "a food supplement to help eliminate toxins and aid digestion".
It costs £10 (about $14 USD at current exchange rates) for a 50ml bottle.
Detox doubts
Professor Ernst said the suggestion that such products remove toxins from the body was "implausible, unproven and dangerous".“ Prince Charles and his advisors seem to deliberately ignore science and prefer to rely on ‘make believe' and superstition ”
Professor Edzard Ernst
"Nothing would, of course, be easier than to demonstrate that detox products work. All one needed to do is to take a few blood samples from volunteers and test whether this or that toxin is eliminated from the body faster than normal," he said.
"But where are the studies that demonstrate efficacy? They do not exist, and the reason is simple: these products have no real detoxification effects."
Earlier this year the charitable trust Sense About Science produced a report seeking to debunk claims made about detox products.
Its researchers reviewed a series of products, from bottled water to face scrub, and found the detox assertions to be overwhelmingly meaningless.
It is not the first time Professor Ernst has criticised Prince Charles.
His 2008 book Trick or treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial is dedicated with irony to the prince, who has long been a supporter of complementary medicine - and particularly homeopathy.
Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7934568.stm
Published: 2009/03/10 © BBC MMIX
ORIGINAL POST, Jan 08 Dr. Russell Blaylock offers you Five Nutrients to Protect Your Liver
The liver is the largest organ in the body and one of the most important for survival. It has three major functions: metabolizing nutrients, generating bile acids, and detoxifying poisons from both within and outside the body.
Bile acids are produced by liver cells and stored in the gallbladder until needed. They are critical to the digestion and absorption of fats. When fats enter the upper small bowel (which is composed of two sections — the duodenum and jejunum), the gallbladder releases bile acids that mix with the fats. This reaction forms a special chemical structure that can be further broken down by enzymes (lipases) to allow for better absorption.
When bile stagnates in the gallbladder, gallstones can form, leading to possible bacteria growth. This situation often triggers gallbladder attacks that spur severe cramping and pain, particularly if the gallstones block the bile duct — the tube connecting the gallbladder to the small intestine.
You can effectively prevent such attacks by regularly using the herb curcumin, which stimulates the gallbladder to release its bile. Curcumin also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent infections and inflammation in the organ.
The liver itself can be damaged by a variety of medications, as well as alcohol and viruses. One of the most common medications known to destroy liver cells is acetaminophen (as found in Tylenol™). Even when taken in recommended amounts, this drug can do great harm to the liver. In fact, acetaminophen damage is the underlying cause of many liver transplants.
Alcoholics are notorious for having bad livers because alcohol is a powerful liver toxin. Over time, heavy drinkers can develop severe scarring of the liver and loss of cells in that vital organ. Chronic heavy drinkers with damaged, poorly functioning alcoholic livers are also at high risk of liver cancer. This is a result of the chronic scarring, inflammation and exposure to toxins.
But several powerful nutrients have been shown to help protect liver cells from damage inflicted by toxins and toxic medications: grapefruit, quercetin, curcumin, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), and methionine.
Grapefruit, quercetin and curcumin all reduce the toxicity of acetaminophen as well as a number of other toxins. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and methionine are also both effective in treating acetaminophen poisoning.
Vaccines & Sick Buildings
Researchers Suggest Sick Building Syndrome May Be Caused by Vaccinations
“New research at the Chaim Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases identifies sick building syndrome as autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants.”
A new term recently entered the medical arena, ASIA, or autoimmune inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants, sometimes called Shoenfeld's syndrome.
Adjuvants are additives included in vaccines to cause the immune system to respond more strongly. They may include things like aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), and squalene. These adjuvants have been associated with defined and non-defined immune mediated diseases in both animal and human models. In extreme cases, a potentially deadly cytokine storm may be possible.
“In recent years four conditions: siliconosis, the Gulf war syndrome GWS), the macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF) and post-vaccination phenomena were linked with previous exposure to an adjuvant,” says head researcher Israeli. “Furthermore, these four diseases share a similar complex of signs and symptoms which further support a common denominator.”
These diseases were classified under Shoenfeld's syndrome by researchers Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin.
Israeli and colleagues suggest adding sick building syndrome under the classification of autoimmune inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. Nine out of ten main symptoms are present in all 5 conditions.
Sick building syndrome is a set of clinically recognizable symptoms without a clear cause reported by occupants of a specific building. New research at the Chaim Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases identifies sick building syndrome as autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants.
Several similar syndromes, including SBS, multiple chemical sensitivity, repetition stress injury, the side effects of silicone breast implants, the Gulf War syndrome (GWS), chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable
bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia may be related.
Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin further propose several major and minor criteria, which, although requiring
further validation, may aid in the diagnosis of this newly defined syndrome.
A new term recently entered the medical arena, ASIA, or autoimmune inflammatory syndrome induced by
adjuvants, sometimes called Shoenfeld's syndrome.
The safety of vaccines is a very controversial subject. In some cases, there is a 50/50 split in the populations’ trust of some vaccines. Less than half of medical professionals take the flu vaccine for themselves. Where there is this much controversy, a safety issue is definitely going on that is not being properly addressed.
Adjuvants are already known to trigger the development of inflammatory illnesses in people who are genetically susceptible. Therefore, some people are choosing not to vaccinate or are selectively choosing vaccines for only the most dangerous diseases. May adult and childhood vaccines may also be requested without the addition of adjuvants when available.
Symptoms of Shoenfeld's syndrome include seemingly unexplained:
Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Poor Coordination’ Brain Fog, or Confusion, Bowel Problems
Reference Israeli E, Pardo A. Mod Rheumatol. 2010 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print] The Chaim Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Chaim Sheba Medical
30 Januari 2011
Stay In and Share a Healthy Potluck
Potluck and the Healthy Benefits of Staying In
By Jim RollinceAs the cold winter months press onward, many are looking for accessible and fun ways to stay physically fit and healthy. Exercise is not the only way to stay physically fit and maintain a healthful lifestyle. A huge component of staying fit and healthy is centered on what types of food you choose to put into your body. This idea goes so far as to mean; healthy food is just as important as giving your body regular exercise. Eating healthy does not have to be a painful process. Eating healthy can be a social and environmentally friendly experience where you as the consumer are able to support your local food economy while reaping all of the health benefits. Here are a few ways to keep the cold winter months lively, healthy, and delicious.
1. Plan healthy potluck dinners with your friends. Potluck dinners are a fantastic way to be social around ideas of healthy cooking. Not only do these dinners give you a chance to catch up with friends, they also provide the opportunity for you and others to share healthy recipes, ingredients, and cooking methods. Healthy potluck dinners take the pain out of cooking, as they turn the process into a social experience where information is shared amongst people trying to achieve the same goals. The more you attempt to incorporate health into all dimensions of your life, including cooking, food choice, and social relationships, the easier it will become. An added bonus of potluck dinners is they are relatively inexpensive. Purchasing groceries to cook one dish runs anywhere from $12-18 dollars. This amount of money is substantially less than what it costs to go out to dinner.
2. Shop at your local farmers market or independently owned grocery store. Selecting food from your local farmers market is significantly cheaper than going into a national chain grocery store to purchase ingredients, especially with produce. By purchasing fruits, vegetables, and grains from a local farmer you are participating in strengthening your region’s local green movement. Your money is going straight to small farmers’ operation costs. Farmers in your geographic region, who are not recipients of large government subsidies, need your patronage to survive.
3. Purchasing locally grown food does not simply make you an eco-conscious participant in the ‘locavore, it also offers you tremendous health and taste benefits. The perishable items like fruit, vegetables, and breads that move the fastest from farmer to your plate are in transit the shortest period of time. Strawberries from California or bananas from Jamaica could spend upwards of 2-3 days in transit before arriving to your national grocery store and sitting out for 5 days. However, perishable food items from local farms or food coops are in transit for just hours before they are set out and sold at the farmers market or locally owned grocery store. If you purchase local produce you are ensured the highest quality food items and will also experience the great variety of fruits and vegetables characteristic of regional food growing.
Staying healthy this winter does not have to be a painful and cold process. You can combine indoor workouts on gym equipment with new and delicious ways to eat healthy and stay fit.
By: Jim Rollince of Gym Source home fitness equipment, including home gyms, treadmills, ellipticals, arc trainers, bikes and more!
29 Januari 2011
New Vitamin D Test
New test may help detect vitamin D deficiency earlier
By Nathan Gray, 27-Jan-2011
A new diagnostic vitamin D assay to be released in Europe may help to detect early deficiency, and could help to provide more accurate data for dieticians and researchers.
Developed by the diagnostic lab technology company Abbott to detect the amount of 25-hydroxy vitamin D, the ARCHITECT 25-OH Vitamin D is a new diagnostic test to measure levels of vitamin D in blood using an automated instrument system.
Abbot announced Conformité Européenne (CE) marking for the assay, which is intended for the assessment of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in human serum and plasma to determine vitamin D status, but added that currently the test is not approved for use in the US.
Abbot said the assay will provide a quick and accurate gauge of vitamin D status in blood samples – which may provide greater opportunities for preventive and therapeutic interventions in at risk populations.
D deficiency
“Vitamin D deficiency is recognized as a global health problem, and vitamin D supplementation should be considered for all people at risk of vitamin D deficiency,” said Dr Jean-Claude Souberbielle, of the Université Paris.
He added that determination of the serum vitamin D concentration and supplementation according to the measured deficiency level is important for patients with osteoporosis, chronic kidney disease, abnormalities in absorbing food nutrients, and more generally, in those with a disease or a treatment that may impair bone health.
The UK National Institute of Health (NiH) said that whilst testing for levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D is currently the most accurate way to determine vitamin D levels, many assays that are used can be notoriously inaccurate.
“As a major diagnostic lab, serum 25-OH vitamin D has become an increasingly important diagnostic marker to us,” said Dr. Frans AL van der Horst, from the Reinier de Graaf Group, Netherlands.
“As a major diagnostic lab, serum 25-OH vitamin D has become an increasingly important diagnostic marker to us,” said Dr. Frans AL van der Horst, from the Reinier de Graaf Group, Netherlands.
Brian Blaser, senior vice president, diagnostic operations for Abbott said that the new vitamin D assay is “a valuable and convenient addition” which provides an automated test for samples that may previously have been sent to outside reference labs.
http://www.nutraingredients.com/content/view/print/355264Selections from 8 pages of posts at Natural Health News
Dec 14, 2010
The latest controversy that has spun out of the new Vitamin D RDA announcement has caused some people to turn away from this important vitamin. But that could put them at risk of low Vitamin D and the Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms that ...
Dec 17, 2010
For as long as I can recall, at least two or three decades, I have been teaching people to take a 20 minute walk at noon, even on cloudy days, to get sun exposure to help maintain vitamin D levels. Now you know that the "new guidance", ...
Dec 01, 2010
I'm including it because the latest mainstream medicine/media cartel would like you to be scared away from using supplements of any kind, and in this case calcium and vitamin D. "The base level for vitamin D for both adults and children ...
Nov 16, 2010
Back then, vitamin-deficiency diseases weren't unheard-of: the bowed legs and deformed ribs of rickets (caused by a severe shortage of vitamin D) or the skin problems and mental confusion of pellagra (caused by a lack of the B vitamin
More Americans Using Supplements
A report published in the February, 2011 issue of the Journal of Nutrition reveals widespread use of dietary supplements among Americans, particularly among older individuals.
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements and the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maryland utilized data obtained from 18,758 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2006. Infants under the age of one were excluded from the current analysis.Forty-four percent of males and 53 percent of females reported using supplements, which is an increase from the percentages reported in earlier NHANES surveys beginning in 1971. For those aged 71 and older, supplement use was reported by 70 percent. Multivitamin/mineral formulas were the most common form of supplementation. Twenty-eight to 30 percent of those surveyed used supplements containing vitamins A, B6, B12, C and E; 18 to 19 percent used chromium, iron and selenium, and 26-27 percent used magnesium and zinc. Herbs were used by 20 percent of adults and were more commonly used by older adults.While 56 percent of those of normal weight were supplement users, this number declined to 48 percent among those who were obese, a finding that is consistent with that of other analyses. Non-Hispanic whites were more likely to use supplements compared to Hispanics and non-whites and higher education was associated with greater use of supplements compared to having a high school diploma or less education."About one-half of the US population and 70% of adults ≥ 71 years use dietary supplements; one-third use multivitamin-multimineral dietary supplements," the authors conclude. "Given the widespread use of supplements, data should be included with nutrient intakes from foods to correctly determine total nutrient exposure."
I found this enjoyable blog this morning while I was checking my emails and perusing tweets. The article that caught my eye was about a disconnect between hospital administrators and doctors.
My comment was that there is a serious disconnect between administrators and nurses too.
The blog title is apropos regarding a disconnect between health care providers and patients, and now clearly the FDA too over ECT.
When I started out in psych nursing in the late 60s I refused to participate in ECT and this caused a serious row. I also received the only 'A' in my Abnormal Psych class for my term paper on " ECT as a Creator of Social Problems ".
It appears as if little has changed.
More of the pattern of sell out to Big Bus from the White House I'd say...
Human Factor in Medicine and Life.
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
At the end of today's hearings, an FDA advisory panel will issue
recommendations about whether manufacturers of electroconvulsive devices
must put their devices to rigorous safety tests, or whether they should be
reclassified from Class III (high risk) to Class II (moderate risk).
Below are critical comments by Professor John Read (University of Auckland,
New Zealand) about FDA's Summary of Electroconvulsive devices.
Of note, although 103 deaths were reported to the FDA in individual
submissions, the FDA report devotes merely half a page to this issue.
Does that not demonstrate a disregard for the value of the lives of those
who are subjected to ECT--most often against their will ?
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
January 28, 2011: MEDIA RELEASE:
Professor John Read (University of Auckland, New Zealand) has submitted to
the FDA a 'Commentary' of the FDA's 150 page 'Executive Summary' report -
released on the eve of its hearings about Electroshock Therapy (Jan 27-28).
The five page Commentary (available on request: j.read@auckland.ac.nz)
states, in relation to effectivness,'The FDA staff seem to have conducted a
comprehensive review of the available research. They reach broadly similar
conclusions to that of our own recent review', namely:
'Little evidence exists supporting the long-term effectiveness of ECT' (FDA
Suicide Prevention
The belief that ECT somehow prevents suicide has long been a central plank
of claims that it is effective made by ECT proponents. The Commentary notes
that the FDA reports no studies at all in support of this claim. There are
none. There were, however, 43 individual submissions to the FDA citing
suicidality as an adverse effect (p 68).
The FDA report devotes only half a page to this issue.
A claim first made by the American Psychiatric Association (2001) is
repeated verbatim by the FDA: 'mortality rate of 1:10,000 patient, or
1:80,000 treatments'.
Our literature review (Read & Bentall, 2010) found numerous studies with
mortality rates far in excess of that claimed by the APA and reproduced,
rather uncritically, by the FDA.
103 deaths were reported to the FDA in individual submissions "The FDA
report appears to have significantly underestimated the mortality rate of
Memory Loss
The FDA report fails to include the best designed study to date assessing
autobiographical memory. Despite repeated claims, for 50 years, that ECT is
safe, the first large-scale prospective study of cognitive outcomes
following ECT did not occur until 2007. Prominent ECT advocate Harold
Sackeim, found that autobiographical memory was significantly worse than
pre-ECT levels six months later. At both times the degree of impairment was
significantly related to the number of shocks. [The Sackeim study was
formally submitted to the FDA, by JR, on Dec. 30, 2010, with the Read &
Bentall literature review - which is also uncited] A New Zealand Government
report, commissioned by the Ministry of Health concluded that "ECT may
permanently affect memory" (Ministry of Health, 2004) and bemoans the
"slowness in acceptance by some professional groups that such outcomes are
real and significant in people's lives".
Even the 2001 APA Report has acknowledged that "In some patients the
recovery from retrograde amnesia will be incomplete, and evidence has shown
that ECT can result in persistent or permanent memory loss".
The Commentary concludes: "The FDA report has grossly underestimated the
duration of the memory deficits caused by ECT".
'Subjective' Memory Loss
"The FDA report also repeats the claim that much of the memory loss is
related to the depression rather than to the ECT, using the term 'subjective
memory loss' employed by by ECT proponents to promote this hypothesis. Our
review points out that this oft-made claim has been repeatedly demonstrated
to be unsubstatantiated."
* Dr Read had previously submitted a 2010 research literature review,
co-authored with Professor Richard Bentall (University of Liverpool),
concluding that ECT had no benefits beyond the treatment period, did not
prevent suicide and caused long-lasting, sometimes permanent memory
Read, J., Bentall, R. (2010). The effectiveness of electroconvulsive
therapy: A literature review. Epidemiologia e Psychiatria Sociale, 19,
My comment was that there is a serious disconnect between administrators and nurses too.
The blog title is apropos regarding a disconnect between health care providers and patients, and now clearly the FDA too over ECT.
When I started out in psych nursing in the late 60s I refused to participate in ECT and this caused a serious row. I also received the only 'A' in my Abnormal Psych class for my term paper on " ECT as a Creator of Social Problems ".
It appears as if little has changed.
More of the pattern of sell out to Big Bus from the White House I'd say...
Human Factor in Medicine and Life.
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
At the end of today's hearings, an FDA advisory panel will issue
recommendations about whether manufacturers of electroconvulsive devices
must put their devices to rigorous safety tests, or whether they should be
reclassified from Class III (high risk) to Class II (moderate risk).
Below are critical comments by Professor John Read (University of Auckland,
New Zealand) about FDA's Summary of Electroconvulsive devices.
Of note, although 103 deaths were reported to the FDA in individual
submissions, the FDA report devotes merely half a page to this issue.
Does that not demonstrate a disregard for the value of the lives of those
who are subjected to ECT--most often against their will ?
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
January 28, 2011: MEDIA RELEASE:
Professor John Read (University of Auckland, New Zealand) has submitted to
the FDA a 'Commentary' of the FDA's 150 page 'Executive Summary' report -
released on the eve of its hearings about Electroshock Therapy (Jan 27-28).
The five page Commentary (available on request: j.read@auckland.ac.nz)
states, in relation to effectivness,'The FDA staff seem to have conducted a
comprehensive review of the available research. They reach broadly similar
conclusions to that of our own recent review', namely:
'Little evidence exists supporting the long-term effectiveness of ECT' (FDA
Suicide Prevention
The belief that ECT somehow prevents suicide has long been a central plank
of claims that it is effective made by ECT proponents. The Commentary notes
that the FDA reports no studies at all in support of this claim. There are
none. There were, however, 43 individual submissions to the FDA citing
suicidality as an adverse effect (p 68).
The FDA report devotes only half a page to this issue.
A claim first made by the American Psychiatric Association (2001) is
repeated verbatim by the FDA: 'mortality rate of 1:10,000 patient, or
1:80,000 treatments'.
Our literature review (Read & Bentall, 2010) found numerous studies with
mortality rates far in excess of that claimed by the APA and reproduced,
rather uncritically, by the FDA.
103 deaths were reported to the FDA in individual submissions "The FDA
report appears to have significantly underestimated the mortality rate of
Memory Loss
The FDA report fails to include the best designed study to date assessing
autobiographical memory. Despite repeated claims, for 50 years, that ECT is
safe, the first large-scale prospective study of cognitive outcomes
following ECT did not occur until 2007. Prominent ECT advocate Harold
Sackeim, found that autobiographical memory was significantly worse than
pre-ECT levels six months later. At both times the degree of impairment was
significantly related to the number of shocks. [The Sackeim study was
formally submitted to the FDA, by JR, on Dec. 30, 2010, with the Read &
Bentall literature review - which is also uncited] A New Zealand Government
report, commissioned by the Ministry of Health concluded that "ECT may
permanently affect memory" (Ministry of Health, 2004) and bemoans the
"slowness in acceptance by some professional groups that such outcomes are
real and significant in people's lives".
Even the 2001 APA Report has acknowledged that "In some patients the
recovery from retrograde amnesia will be incomplete, and evidence has shown
that ECT can result in persistent or permanent memory loss".
The Commentary concludes: "The FDA report has grossly underestimated the
duration of the memory deficits caused by ECT".
'Subjective' Memory Loss
"The FDA report also repeats the claim that much of the memory loss is
related to the depression rather than to the ECT, using the term 'subjective
memory loss' employed by by ECT proponents to promote this hypothesis. Our
review points out that this oft-made claim has been repeatedly demonstrated
to be unsubstatantiated."
* Dr Read had previously submitted a 2010 research literature review,
co-authored with Professor Richard Bentall (University of Liverpool),
concluding that ECT had no benefits beyond the treatment period, did not
prevent suicide and caused long-lasting, sometimes permanent memory
Read, J., Bentall, R. (2010). The effectiveness of electroconvulsive
therapy: A literature review. Epidemiologia e Psychiatria Sociale, 19,
Unrecognized Dangers Of Formaldehyde
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., who chairs the Cancer Prevention Coalition, says, "The dermatologists and other scientists quoted in the Times appear unaware of the longstanding scientific evidence on the carcinogenicity of formaldehyde. However, this had been detailed in five National Toxicology Program Reports on Carcinogens from 1981 to 2004."
The Times assured its readers that "most of the 180 items tested, largely clothes and bed linens, had low or undetectable levels of formaldehyde that met voluntary industry guidelines." Accordingly, the Times claimed, "Most consumers will probably never have a problem with exposure to formaldehyde," since such low levels "are not likely to irritate most people," other than those wearing wrinkle-resistant clothing.
However, Dr. Epstein points to evidence that links formaldehyde exposure with increased incidence of nasal cancer and breast cancer.
The Times article stated that "The U.S. does not regulate formaldehyde levels in clothing. ... Nor does any government agency require manufacturers to disclose the use of this chemical on labels."
But that could change. On March 5, 2008, Senators Bob Casey, Sherrod Brown, and Mary Landrieu introduced an amendment to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reform bill "that would help protect Americans from dangerous levels of formaldehyde in textiles including clothing..."
The Senators referred to a 1997 CPSC report on formaldehyde, which admitted that "it causes cancer in tests on laboratory animals, and may cause cancer in humans." Accordingly, the Senators requested the CPSC to "regulate and test formaldehyde in textiles - and protect consumers from this poison."
In August 2010, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report warned that "a small proportion of the U.S. population does have allergic reactions to formaldehyde resins on their clothes." However, the GAO made no recommendations for any regulatory action.
Dr. Epstein supports both regulatory and legislative action based on scientific evidence in the five National Toxicology Program Reports on Carcinogens that classified formaldehyde as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen," based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans, and sufficient evidence in experimental animals.
This evidence was confirmed in a series of reports by the prestigious International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Its 2006 and 2010 reports explicitly warn that formaldehyde is "a known cause of leukemia in experimental animals - and nasal cancer" in humans.
"Strong" evidence of the nasal cancer risk was also cited in the May 2010 President's Cancer Panel report, "Environmental Cancer Risk: What Can We Do Now?"
"Nevertheless," says Dr. Epstein, "and in spite of this explicit evidence, a September 2010 Government Accountability Office report attempted to trivialize the cancer risks of formaldehyde on the alleged grounds that exposure levels are low or 'non-detectable.'"
Of further concern, Dr. Epstein warns, "occupational exposure to formaldehyde has been associated with breast cancer deaths in a 1995 National Cancer Institute report, while environmental exposure has been associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer in a 2005 University of Texas report."
"Disturbingly," observes Dr. Epstein, "none of the dermatologists quoted in the New York Times appear aware of longstanding evidence that most cosmetics and personal care products, commonly used daily by most women, besides on their infants and children, and to a lesser extent men, contain up to eight ingredients which are precursors of formaldehyde."
These include diazolidinyl urea, metheneamine, and quaterniums, each of which readily breaks down on the skin to release formaldehyde, Dr. Epstein explains, warning, "This is then readily absorbed through the skin, and poses unknowing risks of cancer to most of the U.S. population."
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. is professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition; and former President of the Rachel Carson Trust. His awards include the 1998 Right Livelihood Award and the 2005 Albert Schweitzer Golden Grand Medal for International Contributions to Cancer Prevention. Dr. Epstein has authored 20 scientific articles and 15 books on cancer prevention, including the groundbreaking The Politics of Cancer (1978), Cancergate: How to Win the Losing Cancer War (2005) and most recently Toxic Beauty (2009, Benbella Books: www.benbellabooks.com) about carcinogens in cosmetics and personal care products.
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition
Professor emeritus Environmental & Occupational Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Chicago, Illinois
Tel: 312-996-2297
Email: epstein@uic.edu
The Times assured its readers that "most of the 180 items tested, largely clothes and bed linens, had low or undetectable levels of formaldehyde that met voluntary industry guidelines." Accordingly, the Times claimed, "Most consumers will probably never have a problem with exposure to formaldehyde," since such low levels "are not likely to irritate most people," other than those wearing wrinkle-resistant clothing.
However, Dr. Epstein points to evidence that links formaldehyde exposure with increased incidence of nasal cancer and breast cancer.
The Times article stated that "The U.S. does not regulate formaldehyde levels in clothing. ... Nor does any government agency require manufacturers to disclose the use of this chemical on labels."
But that could change. On March 5, 2008, Senators Bob Casey, Sherrod Brown, and Mary Landrieu introduced an amendment to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reform bill "that would help protect Americans from dangerous levels of formaldehyde in textiles including clothing..."
The Senators referred to a 1997 CPSC report on formaldehyde, which admitted that "it causes cancer in tests on laboratory animals, and may cause cancer in humans." Accordingly, the Senators requested the CPSC to "regulate and test formaldehyde in textiles - and protect consumers from this poison."
In August 2010, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report warned that "a small proportion of the U.S. population does have allergic reactions to formaldehyde resins on their clothes." However, the GAO made no recommendations for any regulatory action.
Dr. Epstein supports both regulatory and legislative action based on scientific evidence in the five National Toxicology Program Reports on Carcinogens that classified formaldehyde as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen," based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans, and sufficient evidence in experimental animals.
This evidence was confirmed in a series of reports by the prestigious International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Its 2006 and 2010 reports explicitly warn that formaldehyde is "a known cause of leukemia in experimental animals - and nasal cancer" in humans.
"Strong" evidence of the nasal cancer risk was also cited in the May 2010 President's Cancer Panel report, "Environmental Cancer Risk: What Can We Do Now?"
"Nevertheless," says Dr. Epstein, "and in spite of this explicit evidence, a September 2010 Government Accountability Office report attempted to trivialize the cancer risks of formaldehyde on the alleged grounds that exposure levels are low or 'non-detectable.'"
Of further concern, Dr. Epstein warns, "occupational exposure to formaldehyde has been associated with breast cancer deaths in a 1995 National Cancer Institute report, while environmental exposure has been associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer in a 2005 University of Texas report."
"Disturbingly," observes Dr. Epstein, "none of the dermatologists quoted in the New York Times appear aware of longstanding evidence that most cosmetics and personal care products, commonly used daily by most women, besides on their infants and children, and to a lesser extent men, contain up to eight ingredients which are precursors of formaldehyde."
These include diazolidinyl urea, metheneamine, and quaterniums, each of which readily breaks down on the skin to release formaldehyde, Dr. Epstein explains, warning, "This is then readily absorbed through the skin, and poses unknowing risks of cancer to most of the U.S. population."
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. is professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition; and former President of the Rachel Carson Trust. His awards include the 1998 Right Livelihood Award and the 2005 Albert Schweitzer Golden Grand Medal for International Contributions to Cancer Prevention. Dr. Epstein has authored 20 scientific articles and 15 books on cancer prevention, including the groundbreaking The Politics of Cancer (1978), Cancergate: How to Win the Losing Cancer War (2005) and most recently Toxic Beauty (2009, Benbella Books: www.benbellabooks.com) about carcinogens in cosmetics and personal care products.
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition
Professor emeritus Environmental & Occupational Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Chicago, Illinois
Tel: 312-996-2297
Email: epstein@uic.edu
28 Januari 2011
GMO Alfalfa Gets Go Ahead from USDA
UPDATE: 2/11/11 - Experts: Contamination from GM alfalfa certain
UPDATE: Marion Nestle asks?
What the Heck Happened? The Politics of GM Alfalfa Explained
How did the USDA's plan for peaceful coexistence among alfalfa growers end up with the agency approving GM alfalfa with no restrictions?
We are seeing the sell out to Big Bus from the White House day after day -
USDA abandoning provision to protect organic farmers from genetic contamination
Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director for the Center for Food Safety poignantly stated that:USDA has become a rogue agency in its regulation of biotech crops and its decision to appease the few companies who seek to benefit from this technology comes despite increasing evidence that GE alfalfa will threaten the rights of farmers and consumers, as well as damage the environment.
Little seems to be different at EPA and other agencies as the clear and apparent danger of selling out to the corporatocracy continues.
Cornucopia says:
USDA to Fully Deregulate Monsanto’s Genetically Engineer Alfalfa — Gene Contamination of Feed, Milk, Meat and Other Products to Follow…
"The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well. True coexistence is a must." - Whole Foods Market, Jan. 21, 2011
In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto's Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation's 25,000 organic farms and ranches, America's organic consumers and producers are facing betrayal. A self-appointed cabal of the Organic Elite, spearheaded by Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farm, has decided it's time to surrender to Monsanto. Top executives from these companies have publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass commercialization of GE crops, such as Monsanto's controversial Roundup Ready alfalfa, and are prepared to sit down and cut a deal for "coexistence" with Monsanto and USDA biotech cheerleader Tom Vilsack.
RODALE lists 7 toxins you should remove from your home -
Nonstick kitchenware, Roundup, Vinyl, VOCs, Flame retardants, BPA, Dry-cleaned clothing
27 Januari 2011
What Do I Do With This Millet?
Millet is a small but mighty grain. It is completely gluten free. And it is believed that it was the staple grain in China before the cultivation of rice took hold. Even the package told me that. And I was kind of intrigued by the ancient grain thing. I like traditional foods. The site that I just linked to has some really cool info, like that millet is mentioned in the Bible. It is the sixth most important grain in the world serving as a staple grain in countries like China, India, Japan, Egypt and others. Millet is often used to make the very tasty Indian bread roti. It is a very cool site. And the article is not too long--give it a look-sy. Millet is also a good source of protein and iron, b-complex vitamins and it is easily digestible.
I bought whole millet last weekend because I had visions of making a porridge in the morning. I love the way Israeli cous cous is so big and globular and fluffy, but I have issues with it, because I am not sure there is such a thing as whole grain cous cous. Plus it is wheat. I imagined that when millet sucked up enough water that it would be soft and fluffy. So one morning I followed the package directions and sauteed a cup of millet in some butter and then added two cups of water. I was so excited! Here we embarked on our gluten free experiment!
But after 30 minutes, I knew I needed to add some rapadura, or whole cane sugar. So I did. And then I realized that I needed to add some more water. So I did.
The millet tasted a bit like underdone rice. But I was out of time. I had to pack up to get to work on time, put it into bowls for the kids and pack some for myself to eat in the office. I added some cream to mine.
The bag I bought was a pound of millet, so needless to say I have some extra in the house. The general consensus was that this was a miss. Not a near-miss and not a total disaster. I will make this again. But the next time I would make it correctly. Even the website that I linked to says millet cooks in a ratio of 1 to 3 of grain to water. So to make a porridge you'd need even more. So there you go. Once I get it right though, millet porridge will be a nice breakfast. It will diversify our diet nicely. Plus because it has the protein and no gluten it left me feeling good and solid, not like the blood sugar spike from wheat.
What do you know about millet? Have you ever cooked it? What else should I do with my millet?
The Post is shared with Friday F*#@ Ups and Triumphs www.thetableofpromise.blogspot.com
26 Januari 2011
Cop-Out Wednesday: Independent Analysis Concludes Taco Bell Ground Beef Only 35% Beef
I had virtually no time yesterday, but in the 15 seconds that I was online yesterday I managed to come across an article that my girlfriend had shared on Facebook. The article was about an independent analysis of the ground beef at Taco Bell. Apparently it is 35% beef and 65% fillers like wheat oats (what is that even? The last time I checked wheat and oats were two totally different species!), maltodextrin a corn based sugar/ stabilizer and soy lecithin another thickener. Delicious right???
I am convinced that about a third of those that read this blog are my facebook friends. So, sorry about the duplication. But I felt that the article so shocking that I couldn't resist posting. Besides, I am seriously backed up with work, but better to post late than not at all!
The article is so shocking because Taco Bell has avoided disclosing the contents of it's food for years. I even mentioned a couple weeks ago in my post on meat grades that old rumor about Taco Bell served grade "Z" meat. That isn't true, but now we get some confirmation about where the rumors came from. Also, the government has comparatively low standards (in my opinion) of the legal definitions of "food", so the idea that a major player in the fast food industry is serving "meat" that doesn't meet the legal definition of "meat" is huge. And furthermore, beef is a gluten free food, so the addition if allergens like wheat and oats is enormous. Especially considering that the quantities have not been previously disclosed.
No one reading this post probably eats at Taco Bell today. But it's likely you used too. But still, take a look at the article below and feel free to share this post. This info should reach every pair of eyes in the country. Because I truly believe that the average American wants to eat real food, it's just that they don't know that they currently aren't.
And let this article serve as a warning to McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, and all the other regional chains-if you are serving us ground up soy and corn or other grains that is marketed as beef, you better clean up your act. Because Americans don't like being deceived. And while we have only started our journey, the public is asking questions. And when the answers come out, we are sharing everything on social media. Bad news travels fast.
Taco Bell Sued Over Meat That's Just 35% Beef
I am convinced that about a third of those that read this blog are my facebook friends. So, sorry about the duplication. But I felt that the article so shocking that I couldn't resist posting. Besides, I am seriously backed up with work, but better to post late than not at all!
The article is so shocking because Taco Bell has avoided disclosing the contents of it's food for years. I even mentioned a couple weeks ago in my post on meat grades that old rumor about Taco Bell served grade "Z" meat. That isn't true, but now we get some confirmation about where the rumors came from. Also, the government has comparatively low standards (in my opinion) of the legal definitions of "food", so the idea that a major player in the fast food industry is serving "meat" that doesn't meet the legal definition of "meat" is huge. And furthermore, beef is a gluten free food, so the addition if allergens like wheat and oats is enormous. Especially considering that the quantities have not been previously disclosed.
No one reading this post probably eats at Taco Bell today. But it's likely you used too. But still, take a look at the article below and feel free to share this post. This info should reach every pair of eyes in the country. Because I truly believe that the average American wants to eat real food, it's just that they don't know that they currently aren't.
And let this article serve as a warning to McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, and all the other regional chains-if you are serving us ground up soy and corn or other grains that is marketed as beef, you better clean up your act. Because Americans don't like being deceived. And while we have only started our journey, the public is asking questions. And when the answers come out, we are sharing everything on social media. Bad news travels fast.
Taco Bell Sued Over Meat That's Just 35% Beef
Holistic Approach to Healthy Living, Weight Loss, Diet & Exercise
Holistic living is a dedication to a lifestyle of balance and health. According to Linda Mundorff in her book, "Take Control: A Guide to Holistic Living," it involves several things, including making time for family, getting along with others, spirituality and relaxation time. It also requires a commitment to a healthy diet and staying physically active. There are numerous ways you can go about this holistically. An understanding of the fundamentals of health and the body will better help you along your path.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/279198-holistic-approach-to-healthy-living-weight-loss-diet-exercise/#ixzz1C8Uc3ndY
Holistic living is a dedication to a lifestyle of balance and health. According to Linda Mundorff in her book, "Take Control: A Guide to Holistic Living," it involves several things, including making time for family, getting along with others, spirituality and relaxation time. It also requires a commitment to a healthy diet and staying physically active. There are numerous ways you can go about this holistically. An understanding of the fundamentals of health and the body will better help you along your path.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/279198-holistic-approach-to-healthy-living-weight-loss-diet-exercise/#ixzz1C8Uc3ndY
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