3 Desember 2010

Whole Foods Beer and a New Me

Did you know that Whole Foods sells BEER? Well, ok, that is not really news to anyone. But I was surprised to go into WF yesterday and see beer being sold on tap. For $3.99 (I think) you can buy a 32 oz growler with a metal wire top and they will fill it up for you with one of five different local brews. Next week I'll bring it back and they will refill it for just $4.99. Truly, $4.99 is not such an amazing price for 32 ounces of beer. But the idea that there will be less waste because I will simply reuse the bottle. Also this gives the priceless benefit that I won't have to cart out all my empties for the neighbors to see what a lush I am. Aaah, the joys of apartment living. I love the idea that this is local beer too. I am just beside myself on this one!

On a separate note, there were other things that I needed at Whole Foods yesterday. I returned from vacation with virtually nothing in my pantry, and had some car trouble and couldn't even do a good shopping when we returned home. So we have been "coasting on fumes" since we returned. We ran out of butter, olive oil, sunflower oil, milk and COFFEE! Egads! But in doing my shopping I really contemplated what I needed rather than what I wanted. And I probably saved $10-$15 just buying only getting what I needed. Strange, it is such a simple concept, buy smaller containers and only get things that you will use until the next time you go shopping. I might be able to save enough to put my kids in college. Whew!

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