30 Desember 2010

Healthy and Wise

Over at the Everett Herald one of the longtime writers once penned an article about camping.  The thing that caught my eye was her menu because it included things like hot dogs, bacon, ham, and a variety of chips and white bread buns to add to the folly.

I contacted here to suggest her menu could be a bit healthier and she replied, “You have to die of something”.  To this I said, “Yes, only a life well lived”.

I guess paying a price for a longer life falls in to the “you have to die of something” category, but I continue to support the concepts that help you live long and live healthy.

Exercise can be one of those ‘helpers’ as can learning to use non-pharmaceutical methods to keep you healthy and well through the ages and stages of your life.
Fit at Any Age: Workout

EAST ANGLIA, England, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- A British physiotherapist says making just one lifestyle change -- exercise -- can help improve health.
Leslie Alford of the University of East Anglia, England, who has reviewed 40 international studies on the value of exercise, takes issue with those who say: "What's the point? I've never been able to lose weight or give up smoking, why should I exercise?"
Of course, says Alford, it would be ideal to exercise, abstain from smoking, eat a healthy diet and have a body mass index -- a measure of body weight based on height -- lower than 25.
"The more of these healthy traits an individual has the less likely they are to develop a range of chronic disorders," Alford says in a statement. "It is obviously desirable for an individual to give up smoking and maintain a healthy weight range, but if they cannot, they will still gain health benefits from increasing their physical activity."
Alford says it is important patients understand the health benefits of losing weight or giving up smoking. However, if a patient cannot lose weight or give up smoking, he or she should still be encouraged to be more physically active.
Alford's review is published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice.

December 27, 2010
Aging: Paying the Physical Price for Longer Life
Americans are living longer, but those added years are more likely to be a time of disease and disability.
An analysis of government data has found that while life expectancy has steadily increased over the past decade, the prevalence of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes has also increased, and disability has grown as well.
For example, in 1998 about 16 percent of men in their 70s had a mobility problem — that is, they failed one of four commonly used physical tests. By 2006, almost 25 percent failed at least one.
Writing in the January issue of The Journal of Gerontology B, the authors conclude that people live longer not because they are less likely to get sick, but because they survive longer with disease.
As a result, a 20-year-old man today can expect to live about a year longer than a 20-year-old in 1998, but will spend 1.2 years more with a disease, and 2 more years unable to function normally.
The lead author, Eileen M. Crimmins, a professor of gerontology at the University of Southern California, said that while we have been very successful in increasing the length of life, it comes at a cost.
“Longer life is what we want,” she said. “But we’re going to have to pay for it with more treatment of diseases and accommodations for disability.”

Maybe this article is a plug for "death panels"?

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