17 November 2010

New Level of Insanity

All these scientists are missing the boat these days, just like the folks that believe in the germ theory.

Fallacious thoughts!
What about preventive thinking?

We all know there is the issue of personal hygiene, cranberry nectar, cranberry sugar extract, and even something as simple as drinking more pure water...

Vaccine to prevent urinary tract infections due to E. coli bacteria

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Nov. 15 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers developing a vaccine to prevent urinary tract infections due to E. coli bacteria say the bacteria behave differently in women than in mice.
Scientists at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor say their genetic studies indicated specific surface structures of the E. coli found in mouse infections considered key to the bacteria thriving were not found in great numbers in the human samples.
"If we want to prevent infections in humans, we need to look at what's going on with the bacteria while it's in humans," study senior investigator Harry Mobley said in a statement. "We're not looking to make the world safer for mice."
Mobley and colleagues, who published a study last year showing the vaccine prevented urinary infections in mice, said the differences in gene expression in the mouse and human samples were significant but the key targets of the vaccine related to iron acquisition were similar and raise the hopes -- albeit several years away -- the vaccine will work in humans.
The study was published in PLoS Pathogens.
Elsewhere on the vaccine frontier -
Well, here's yet another vaccine getting the fast track to market. Notice that C. Difficile is a big problem in Europe and North America and that translates into big bucks. The people most affected are senior citizens and those with illnesses. M O N E Y, the company, Sanofi Pasteur stands to make a lot of it. It's ALL ABOUT M O N E Y! Patty

FDA grants C. difficile vaccine candidate fast-track designation
InfectiousDiseaseNews.com - 11-16-10

The FDA has granted Sanofi-Pasteur's investigational Clostridium difficile vaccine candidate fast-track designation for the treatment of C. difficile.

"Our C. difficile vaccine candidate is in phase 2," Michel DeWilde, PhD, senior vice president of research and development at Sanofi-Pasteur, said in a press release. "The FDA fast-track designation recognizes that a C. difficile vaccine could address an important unmet medical need."

The incidence of C. difficile infection has increased significantly in recent years in North America and Europe. Treatments in these two regions of the world are estimated to be costing more than $7 billion a year. The current treatment of C. difficile infection involves the use of one of the two antibiotics recommended for the management of C. difficile.

Under this program, the FDA can accept for review completed portions of the licensing application before receipt of the entire application, according to DeWilde.
source: Rense.com
and along the same lines of thinking -

Why is it that health care providers are failing to rely on dietary supplements that will safely "thin" the blood instead of using warfarin which will ultimately lead to a condition that causes the call wall membrane to self-destruct?

Think of all the lives that could be saved from bleeding to death if one prescribed garlic, nattokinase, garlic, omega 3 fish oil, non-soy vitamin e, and other natural products that accomplish the same result as warfarin...

It is much more that people taking supplements and not wanting to tell the doctor, it needs to start from the doctor being more informed about natural product benefit and working with their patients that wish to avoid drugs.
SALT LAKE CITY—Many of the most popular dietary supplements can interact with prescription drugs, including possible fatal consequences, according to twin studies conducted at Utah’s Intermountain Medical Center. The team of cardiologists and dietitians interviewed 100 patients on warfarin, an anticoagulant drug used to help prevent stroke. They learned 69 percent of subjects also used dietary supplements, especially vitamins, glucosamine and chondroitin, fish oil and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). More than half did not know about possible interactions, and nearly two-thirds did not consult with or inform their doctors about the supplement use. Researchers further discovered supplement users on warfarin were more likely to skip or double doses of the drug, and they also more frequently experienced drug interactions, such as unexplained bleeding and increased need for blood transfusions.
 Researcher T. Jared Bunch, M.D., a cardiologist, noted the drugs and supplements all compete in the liver for processing; for example, CoQ10, a favorite among cardio patients, can inhibit warfarin’s benefits and increase stroke risk, while fish oil can increase the risk of unwanted bleeding. He added health care and products providers need to better educate people on the possible interactions between drugs and supplements.
Fellow researchers John Day, M.D., also a cardiologist, added health care providers need to be aware of the supplements their patients are taking, especially if concurrent with prescribed medications. “We’re not saying dietary supplements are bad. We’re saying they should be considered medications,” he said. “And it’s critical that health providers know what medications their patients are taking.”

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