In this final week of the CSA we got leeks, broccoli, swiss chard, 2 frying peppers, one celeriac bulb, one head of lettuce,, a bag of onions and a bag of carrots and 2 delicata squashes.
I was happy to see that our carrots were cleaned and bagged. Same with the onions. But I was worried about the plastic bag. On one hand, it is easier to distribute small items like short carrots and baby onions. I love getting my veggies quickly and orderly, and not having little dirty broken carrots in the bottom of my bag. On the other hand though I hate to think that as our CSA grows and becomes better funded that we will start to rely on plastics more and more. I think that is my American dichotomy, I want to conserve, use less and I would love to eliminate plastics altogether. But I take advantage of them because they make my life convenient. You might call me hypocritical, but I prefer the term multifaceted. Basically, I don't have it all figured out.
Thing 1 loves his Pumpkin Pie Smoothies, but actually eating squash--no thank you. Last night at dinner, Thing 2 frowned and handed me the fork that contained the offending squash. His furrowed brow said it all. But what he could not vocalize, Thing 1 said loud and clear. He told me "I don't like this dinner!" and "I don't like squash!"(with tears) and finally, and my personal favorite, "I want to hit you!" Well that one took my breath away-and my sanity. A few tears, a thrown sippy cup and a short time-out later, and I threw out that squash. I didn't even get one bite down either throat tonight.
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