16 September 2010

Lemon Basil Prosecco Cocktail

Got some leftover basil? Have a couple of friends coming over?

I get bunches of basil from the CSA that are really too small to make pesto, but too big to use in one pot of sauce or on one pizza. So I always hae some leftover. This time with the leftovers, I made an interesting cocktail. I muddled some basil with equal parts honey and lemon juice. I let the syrup sit overnight and then strained it. If the syrup is too sweet or too sour just adjust for your taste.

I added a little syrup to a glass and filled the rest with prosecco, I would say maybe one part syrup to four or five parts prosecco. It is also good if you mix the syrup with some white wine and a little seltzer, especially if you drink all of the first version and forget to take a picture.

I love throwing a party for no good reason. Not that you need a good reason to have a cocktail when you're the parents of small children! Mine give me good reasons all day long! Enjoy!

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