29 September 2010

CSA Week 17

This week was especially exciting because we worked at the CSA! We are required (not forcefully) by our CSA to work 2-2 hour shifts. You show up and unload the truck, write out the sign that shows people how much to pick up, you help people with their items and then you clean up. One group does the set up and the other group does the break down and clean up. Last year I was home on maternity leave and so I worked an extra shift when they were short. This year, I bailed on my first shift and then today I brought both the kids to help. Actually I have been home this week because our babysitter has been sick. That's part of why I haven't been posting on facebook regularly and haven't been responding to comments so quickly. I mean usually I respond pretty quickly, if I have something intelligent to say. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say.

So I took both the kids. Thing 2 was in the Ergo and Thing 1 was "helping" by staying out of trouble. I was worried that not only would we be no help at all but that we would actually be detrimental to the process. You never know with kids. Sometimes they can play so sweetly and stay out of trouble, and then other times they'll take every opportunity to throw a tantrum and hold you hostage with bad behavior. Today I got off easy. And I think it is important that the kids see that we have to contribute by giving back. Before I got pregnant with Thing 1 I used to be active in my church's soup kitchen. It was a rewarding experience. But having little-bitties is not condusive to that environment. When they get old enough to be able to serve food and help I might start bringing them again. This CSA is a better place for them to cut their proverbial service teeth.
I digress, back to the veggies. This week we got leeks, 2 peppers, one head of lettuce, 2 heads of greens (I chose kale and chard), 2 winter squash, one bunch of herbs (I chose parsley), one bunch of carrots (I got weird ones!! Haha!), one purple tomato (already eaten and not pictured), one large beefsteak tomato, 50 cherry tomatoes and 10 apples. I now have enough apples to do something with them other than eat them raw. I am not sure about a pie, or apple butter. I want to make apple butter, but I am scared I don't have enough. And the Things eat 1-2 apples a day. I discovered that Thing 2 is ready to eat apples now and likes to eat them whole. Thing 1 always prefers them cut up and just like a first born, also liked them peeled. I won't peel them anymore. And most of the time now he just gets an apple whole. Now he'll eat the outside skin and want to throw the rest away, but the skinless core is perfect Thing 2, he will finish it down to the seeds and stem. What a way to let nothing go to waste.

This week I have alot of food hanging around from last week. So I am going to try and cook the squash and puree it and freeze it. I am not sure what to add it to, but some folks have recommended mac and cheese. Maybe mashed potatoes? Also I have the peppers from the last three weeks in my fridge. I think I am going to make pepper jelly. I don't really LIKE peppers, so this might end up as a gift...but many websites recommend cream cheese and crackers? That does sound awesome. And then the apple butter, and pesto. Getting all that cooked and into the freezer should free up some much needed room in my fridge. And help my goal of finishing off all the potatoes that are still hanging around my house!

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