16 Mei 2011

Laundry Soap Recipes

There are most likely just as many home made laundry soap recipes as there are store bought ones. But here are SOME of the ones I have encountered... Making your own laundry soap will not only save you money, but will allow you to control the ingredients and their quality.

Just as each family will have their own needs and preferences when it comes to store bought soaps, you'll encounter that for home made too. I suggest if you see a recipe you like, make a small batch and see what you think if you are nervous about trying something new. But since most ingredients are either already in your home or are very inexpensive to buy, even if you decide to make a large batch and don't like it, you really aren't loosing much!

OPTIONAL: If you prefer to have a "prettier" smell or if you would like more of an antibacterial or anti-grease property to your laundry soap, you can add Essential Oils. Tea Tree Oil has great antibacterial properties. Sweet Orange is wonderful for grease. And there are a myriad of options for fragrance. 10-15 drops per 2 gallons

Liquid Laundry Soap

Recipe #1

You will need:
  • 1 quart Water (boiling)

  • 2 cups Bar soap (grated)

  • 2 cups Borax

  • 2 cups Washing Soda

*Add finely grated bar soap to the boiling water and stir until soap is melted. You can keep on low heat until soap is melted.
*Pour the soap water into a large, clean pail and add the Borax and Washing Soda. Stir well until all is dissolved.
*Add 2 gallons of water, stir until well mixed.
*Cover pail and use 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. Stir the soap each time you use it (will gel).

Recipe #2

You will need:
  • Hot water

  • 1 cup Washing Soda

  • 1/2 cup Borax

  • 1 Soap bar

*Grate the bar soap and add to a large saucepan with hot water. Stir over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
*Fill a 10 gallon pail half full of hot water. Add the melted soap, Borax and Washing soda, stir well until all powder is dissolved. Top the pail up with more hot water.
*Use 1 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).

Recipe #3

You will need:
  • Hot water

  • 1/2 cup Washing Soda

  • 1/2 cup Borax

  • 1/3 bar Soap (grated)

*In a large pot, heat 3 pints of water. Add the grated bar soap and stir until melted. Then add the washing soda and borax. Stir until powder is dissolved, then remove from heat.
*In a 2 gallon clean pail, pour 1 quart of hot water and add the heated soap mixture. Top pail with cold water and stir well.
*Use 1/2 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).

Recipe #4

You will need:
  • Hot water

  • 1 bar (4.5 oz) Ivory Soap - grated

  • 1 cup Washing Soda

*In a large saucepan add grated soap and enough hot water to cover. Heat over medium-low heat and stir until soap is melted.
*Fill a large pail with 2.5 gallons of hot water, add hot soap mixture. Stir until well mixed.
*Then add the washing soda, again stirring until well mixed.
*Set aside to cool.
*Use 1/2 cup per full load, stirring well before each use (will gel)

Recipe #5

You will need:
  • 2.5 gallons Water (hot)

  • 1 Bar soap (grated)

  • 3/4 cup Washing Soda

  • 3/4 cup Borax

  • 2 TBS Glycerin

*Melt bar soap over medium-low heat topped with water, stir until soap is melted.
*In a large pail, pour 2.5 gallons of hot water, add melted soap mixture, washing soda, borax and glycerin. Mix well.
*Use 1/2 cup per full load.

Recipe #6

You will need:
  • 2 cups Bar soap (grated)

  • 2 cups Washing Soda

  • 2 - 2.5 gallons hot water

*Melt grated soap in saucepan with water to cover. Heat over medium-low heat and stir until soap is dissolved.
*Pour hot water in large pail, add hot soap and washing soda. Stir very well.
*Use 1 cup per full load.

Recipe #7

You will need:
  • 2 gallons Water (hot)

  • 1 bar Soap (grated)

  • 2 cups Baking soda (yes baking soda this time–not washing soda)

*Melt grated soap in a saucepan with enough hot water to cover. Cook on medium-low heat, stirring frequently until soap is melted.
*In a large pail, pour 2 gallons hot water. Add melted soap, stir well.
*Then add the baking soda, stir well again.
*Use 1/2 cup per full load, 1 cup per very soiled load.

Recipe #8

You will need:
  • 1 cup Dr. Bronner's pure castile liquid soap

  • 1 cup baking soda

  • 2 cups water

  • 1/3 cup salt

*Warm the water and mix with salt and baking soda until dissolved.
*Pour into a one-gallon container.
*Add the Dr. Bronner's and fill the remainder of the gallon jar with water.
*Use 1/4 cup of laundry soap per load.
*This laundry soap doesn't create suds, but it doesn't need to in order to get your laundry clean.

Powdered Laundry Soap

Recipe #1

You will need:
  • 12 cups Borax

  • 8 cups Baking Soda

  • 8 cups Washing Soda

  • 8 cups Bar soap (grated)

*Mix all ingredients well and store in a sealed tub.
*Use 1/8 cup of powder per full load.

Recipe #2

You will need:
  • 2 cups Fels Naptha Soap (finely grated)

  • 1 cup Washing Soda

  • 1 cup Borax

*Mix well and store in an airtight plastic container.
*Use 2 tablespoons per full load.

  • Use Milk Jugs or Old Laundry Soap Jugs for liquid/gel soaps

  • Gallon sized "Food containers" are great for powdered soap storage

  • Remember to check the ingredients of any soap used, some of them are less than healthy choices! I prefer Castile Soaps but there are many options out there.

  • Use a food processor or blender to grate or powder bars of soap quickly and easily.

**More to come! Post yours as a comment & I'll add it!

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