It all started one evening in March. There once was a good and kind Queen who wanted nothing more than for her children to have fresh nourishing whole foods to eat. The Queen loved her King, but he often times brought the Princes candy to eat that the Queen did not approve of. But the Queen loved her King and decided not to press the issue. One evening the King brought home Reese’s Pieces. The oldest Prince was enchanted. But the Queen was annoyed. The following day the Queen told the Prince that together she would make a healthy(er) version of the peanut buttery treats.
The next Saturday, while the littlest prince napped, the Queen went to her kitchen to make the peanut butter confection. But confectioner’s sugar has been highly processed. So the Queen thought she would try sucanat sugar. The consistency of confectioner’s sugar was the key to fudge and frosting’s texture, and so she thought to put a cup of the sucanat sugar into the food processor and blend for 2 minutes. The oldest Prince was on hand to help with the first few steps.
Fairway had had a sale on peanut butter that day, so the monetary investment was not so great. But stirring the peanut butter was difficult. Most of the oil from the jar was stirred into the butter in the top half of the jar, and that was exactly what ended up in the Queen’s food processor, 1 cup of peanut butter. She ran it again.
Then the oldest Prince went out to run errands with the King, leaving the Queen alone to ponder her situation. She had a sweet nut paste that tasted good. And that paste was the base of peanut butter cookies. However her oven had been broken since nearly a week earlier. A repairman had come to the house just a few hours prior to this event. He had been unable to fix the oven, and the part required was temporarily out of stock. So the Queen would have no way to bake the cookies. Microwave? She knew that one cook use the microwave for use other than reheating coffee and defrosting meat, but she didn’t want to use the microwave. Then the Queen spied the tagine that she had purchased on a recent trip to Morocco. A tagine is like and oven, no? The Queen thought this was an excellent idea! But she was far too scared to put the tagine directly on the fire of her burner. Instead she rigged up a fancy double boiler looking thing. She set the double boiler on high and set about to make the cookies.
*Sniff Sniff* Not 4 minutes later the Queen smelled that the cookies were burning. She uncovered the tagine and found THIS!!
But, she decided, this approach was not working. She decided to try a frying pan. Yes, a frying pan would give her more control, even heat, the whole nine. So she heated up a little coconut oil-just in case there wasn’t enough fat in the dough already.
The last moral is really the best--Fact is usually better than fiction!
This post is part of the Sustainable Eats Simple Lives Thursday Blog Hop!
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