21 Maret 2010

Reversing Type II Diabetes Naturally (Part 2- First Aid for Very High Blood Sugar)

The first time I heard of this I felt sooo gooey. Can’t imagine taking pork pancreas raw! However, some of the people I was with during the conference, swear by this as it has healed some of their loved ones who had grave illnesses. So here goes:

Eat 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas. It is very rich in natural insulin, and has brought down in 2 minutes blood sugar from as high as 200-502 down to 84-85. Have the pancrea on standby in your freezer, for use in emergency situations, or eat it daily if you wish.  Eaten with every meal keeps blood sugar normal every day, like having insulin shots.  Always eat it with a clove of crushed raw garlic, to kill bacteria and viruses.

Because raw pork pancreas are also very rich in the animal-protein digesting enzymes that digest cancer cells, 2 tablespoons with every meal will also prevent cancer.

Here’s how to prepare:  Buy the pancreas early in the morning from the market, to be sure it is freshly slaughtered.  Do not buy more than a week’s supply.  Wash it well of soil and dirt.  Soak for 10 minutes in a basin of water with half a cup of rock salt.  After soaking, rub well on both sides with rock salt. Cut into small cubes so you can measure it by the tablespoonful. Put 2 tablespoons each into a small plastic bag.  Put the bags in the freezer.  It has a nice, cool lean taste and melts in the mouth.

Please note, the raw pancreas are not a permanent, cure, just like insulin shots are not.  To cure diabetes permanently, you need to correct the mineral deficiencies and regenerate the beta cells in your own pancreas that produce your own insulin, but this time with the mineral deficiencies correted, your own insulin production will now be potent.

So you can use the raw pancreas to keep your blood sugar down while you are correcting your mineral deficiencies and regenerating your pancreatic cells.

to be continued…..

Originally written Dec. 7,  2007

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