Many parents automatically reach for the medicine cabinet when their kids are sick. But the truth about what is in many of those medications has led even the FDA & CDC to force companies to raise the recommended age or remove them from selves altogether. More and more companies are producing what they call "natural" medications, by cutting out artificial colors and flavors, but the truth is, these still aren't very "natural" or healthy.
In fact, rather than making your child better, most over the counter medications work against their immune system and can make the illness last longer. This is because the medications stop the symptoms from happening, rather than using them to fight off illness - which is their purpose. Natural medications will aid the bodies natural functions and enable it to fight off illness or infection faster!
Here are SOME natural options for treatment of illness or infection in children or yourself.
Cough & Congestion:
- Saline drops or Netty Pot
- Eucalyptus Oil (add to boiling water as a steam, add to warm bath or use as a rub)
- Lemon juice & Water
- Honey
- Avoid Bananas, Dairy & Bread
Sore Throat
- Tea Tree Oil & Water
- Hot/Warm Tea & Honey
- Horseradish (also good for upper respiratory infections)
- Myrrh (also acts as an expectorant and decongestant)
- Oregano Oil
- Fresh Cabbage Laid Across Neck and Throat
Boost Immunity for Shortened Duration
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin C
- Reduce Sugar Intake
- Increase High Anti-Oxidant Fruits & Vegetables
- Echinacea
- Garlic
- Zinc
- Turmeric
- Probiotics
- Drink Plenty of Fluids
- Rest
- Cool Bath
- Cool Compress
Stomach Problems & Colic
- Ginger
- Probiotics
- "Gripe Water"
Ear Aches
- Drops of Garlic or Olive Oil in the Ear
Diaper Rash
- Fresh Air – Diaper Free is the way to be!
- Coconut Oil (works as a Moisture Barrier)
- Corn Starch (helps absorb moisture)
- Tea Tree Oil
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