1 Februari 2012

O PEK BOK Nie ( Drug Stoppage Artery )

This TAKE me based on my experience of my new natural 6 Months ago, and may be useful for our friends who have experienced the same thing as me and can heal with a very affordable cost.

At 6 months ago I examined on a cardiologist at the hospital Medistra, this I do remember I have reached the age of 55 yr. Where a lot of friends in junior high already on the disease, the Creator, because I experienced the same, and they all called tragic average in the office are working.

Examination results on the laboratory examination blood, all red, just a few that are still green. Trigliserin, SGPT, SGOT, Tendon acid, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure 180/120 all topsy turvy red.EKG so I recommended to check for heart valve and thick wall of the heart, have been good to me and send Scanning the heart, the result is very surprising and I in - Vonni's blood vessel in the heart blocked of 70%, and suggested the cathetrizationfor any Ring / Stand of 3 pcs, where per Ring / Stand at IDR. 30 million not including labor costs.

Consequently due to fraudulent check the heart, even a thought, where children are still studying, cared fo many dog and a wife who I think is too bad to be abandoned .... I start to disassemble drawer-drawer late beloved mother who ... meet ripped (of paper size paper with any posts in the folder with neat letters important, I start looking for people who can read it ... was translated after the intravenous drug plug FUNGUS BLACK WHITE.

Materials prescription O PEK BOK Nie:

Mushroom of black and white: 45 Gram
Ang Cho: 10 seeds
Ginger slices: 8 Iris (2mm thick)
Pig meat (Is In) / Chicken chect : 60 Gram
Water: 8 Glass

Materials to be washed clean and in boiled fire with small (It's better with the slow Cooker) and the use of clay pot (POT USE NO METAL!). Until the remaining 2 Glass. Raw material be removed only taken water.

How to drink:

Wake up in the morning sleeping in the empty stomach, drink 1 Glass
The night before bed drink 1 cup again.

Number of days:

Drinking every day for 24 days (24 Set)

After drinking for 24 days (24 Set), can be repeated once every 2 hours 12 set, for maintenance.

After I set my lap 24 by phone Hospital that I must have been in cathetrization , and a schedule has been provided, with a very careful not known I check my blood back in the hospital laboratory truly surprising results, where the red and 2 live that slightly above the threshold limit of the above.

After that I to calm myself, and I go back to the hospital and in the Medistra cathetrization wrist, entered the lapse to the heart, and a similarsyringe liquids that can change colors, so we can see where the clog through the TV as a monitor. Suddenly the Professor said: Why not have a blocked yes! .... Praised God, said in my heart, apparently owing to the prescription O PEK BOK Nie impasse in the vein I work smoothly again, and the thickness of blood, I also overcame.

Now, once every 2 monthI check my heart with result normal EKG, blood normal thickness. Blood pressure 120/90, results of blood checks have everything back to normal.

With the hope that this paper can help friends who have experienced similar things, and for those who are in the Ring / Stand can also drinking to maintain.

In Addition Pre-Mentruation Syndrome (PMS) & Painful Menstruation According To Natural

Menstruation was bleeding from the womb with mucous discharge womb that occurs periodically and monthly. Every healthy women who are not pregnant and do not get menopause will menstruation on a regular basis each month.

Disruption of normal experience of women around the menstruation including pain and pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS).

A. Pre-Menstruation syndrome (PMS) pre-menstruation syndrome is a collection of symptoms that appear between 1 and 14 days before the menstruation and usually stops when menstruation start. Symptoms may include a complaint that the physiological system of the body and psychological symptoms that cause mental and emotional problems.

STDs are common, especially in the age range of women in pregnancy, between 25 - 45 years old. The percentage of people with STDs higher in women who use the pill and the birth KB. Clarity about the causes of PMS is not yet known exactly, but any relationship with hormonal changes. There was an increase in the hormone estrogen causes sudden imbalance progesterone-hormone estrogen in the body.

Levels of illness and a variety of PMS symptoms can vary in every woman who suffering, the symptoms of mild to disrupt that and worse. The variety of symptoms of PMS can include a combination of the following:

Psychological symptoms: change in behavior includes / personnel like feeling sensitive, easily offended or angry, anxious, restlessness, easy to cry, not comfortable mood, fatigue, depression, irritation, less confident, nervous, confused, difficult concentration, sleep disturbances, desire sexual changes.

Physical symptoms: breast pain and swell, flatulence, nausea and stomach cramps, back pain, joint pain, stiff neck and tense, headache, arising whelk, tap the heart and not regular pulse, shortness of breath, diarrhea or constipation, food craze of the food is usually salty / savory and sweet.

Pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS) is actually only a physical problem, people must learn to mitigate symptoms alone. Here are some tips that can be done to overcome the pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS):

- Make a light sports such as walking, cycling or swimming. Do regularly 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes each time you exercise. This is useful to relax muscles and joints and reduce the liquid hoarding.

- Diet low fat, salt and sugar but high protein and fiber to help reduce the excess estrogen and to reduce swelling breast.

- The consumption of foods rich in anti-compound STDs, such as rough Fiber (fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains); Vitamin B6 (fresh fish, tuna, liver, beans, rice, avocado, banana); Seng (liver, shellfish, salmon, chicken, lobster); Calcium (soybean, tempe, know, havermuts, teri, canned sardine), Magnesium (lalap raw green vegetables, apples, mede peanut, soybean, tempe, seafood).

- Avoid foods and drinks containing caffeine, alcohol and nicotine for 2 weeks before the menstruation.

- Drink fluids to 8 glasses each day

- Sleep well at night. If PMS disrupt sleep tonight try siesta

- Make rileksasi techniques such as in-breathe in, yoga, meditation or be sub merger in hot water.

Natural therapy:

- 200 grams, 150 grams of cucumber leaf green mustard greens, washed clean blended ago, and then drink. (To reduce tension and breast pain associated with PMS)

- 6 grains angco (dates china) + 10 + lotus seed grains 10 grams, 20 grams of ginger ginger, boiled with water up to 500 cc remaining 200 cc, filtered, drunk warm-warm, and angco seed teratainya eaten. (To increase energy, the tired, the flatulence, nausea and stiff / sore muscles).

- Note: Angco and lotus seeds can be purchased at Chinese medicine shops or supermarkets.

B. Sick Menstruation (Dysmenorrheal)

Soreness when menstruation gynecology complaint is the most common and experienced by many women. Pain is not known for certain causes, but hormone imbalance factors and psychological factors can influence. Pain is likely the result of the increased seekers hormone prostaglandin that causes increased contraction uterus, this type of pain menstruation attack many teenagers and adults to take place.

In addition, painful menstruation can also relate to the interference gynecologist as mimosa, endometriosis, pelvic inflammation disease, and the tumor from the pelvis, usually occurs in older women who previously did not experience pain menstruation. To menstruation pain-related interference gynecologist it must be fixed first.

Symptoms of painful menstruation among which are: the pain does not come regularly, and sharp cramps in the bottom of the stomach. Menstruation pain is often followed by a pre-menstruation syndrome (flatulence, breast pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and irritabilities).

Here are some tips to overcome the pain when menstruation:

- Paste compress hot / warm or hot water bottle on the stomach.

- Massage soft abdomen slowly

- Bedroom sprawl and support the knee pad

- Make a light sports such as calisthenics, walking, cycling or made before and during menstruation to expedite the flow of blood to the muscles around the uterus, so that pain can be reduced or overcame.

Next herbal therapy to overcome painful menstruation:

Recipe 1.

Ingredients: 30 grams ginger buffoonery 25 grams 15 grams 25 grams ginger black tamarind and palm sugar sufficient.

How to use:

The material to be washed clean and cut-cut, boiled with water up to 600 cc remaining 300 cc, filtered drinking water for 2 times a day, every time you drink 150 cc.

Recipes 2.


3 rosebud merah15 gram turmeric leaf dewa25

How to use:

All materials to be washed clean and cut-cut, then boiled with water up to 600 cc remaining 300 cc, filtered, drink 2 times a day, every time you drink 150 cc.

Note: select one of the prescription, in the boiling pot use or enamel pot soil .***

Grapeseed Extract, Prophylactic Accurate for Free Radicals

So far we only know the wine as one of the fruit dessert, or drink as a basic class luxury. But more than that, it seems that behind the sweet wine that has a womb antioxidants naturally high enough work to help protect the skin from free radicals *).

Grapeseed extract or grape seed extract is a bioflavonoid, the natural materials that can strengthen and protect the cells alive. Gynecology grape seed extract on the OPC or Olygomer Procyanidolic Complex 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times than Vitamin C. Because of the high bioflavonoidnya womb, grape seed extract and effective for antialergi, antipembengkakan, and antioxidants. If consumed through oral (supplement), grape seed extract can strengthen the blood vessel and to help facilitate the circulation of blood. Meanwhile, in the skin, grape seed extract to help maintain skin health through antioksidannya. In Europe, the doctors have started meresepkan wine seed extract to help prevention and recovery of various diseases such as heart trouble, varises, collagen damage and arthritis.

When we grow, the ability in the body against free radical decrease, especially with the lifestyle and eating patterns are not regular, and also that the dirty air and berpolusi, causing our bodies continuously attacked by free radicals almost anywhere we are. Gynecology bioflavonoid extract from grape seeds called proantocyanidin can also help strengthen and protect the cells from Membrane oxidation reactions caused by free radicals.

Oriflame in September 2007 presents a series of GRAPE-based extract natural organic grape seed, obtained from the vineyards planted without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, so that the resulting high quality and purity that is also safe for the environment.

GRAPE series consists of 3 products daily and 1 weekly care products, suitable for normal to combination skin. All formulated with 100% natural extracts that contain organic wine property's pristine nature, are directly on your skin.


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