RE -
Itshows that long term exposure (six years) to both cellphones andtheir base stations can alter human hormone profiles.
Themost significant (which the authors describe as highly significant inthe text) are their effects on the thyroid hormones, which show amarked reduction over this period. Although the authors do not say it(I suspect that they dare not if they want to get their workpublished) this would result in hypothyroidism, the most importantsymptoms of which are fatigue and obesity.
Itshows that long term exposure (six years) to both cellphones andtheir base stations can alter human hormone profiles.
Themost significant (which the authors describe as highly significant inthe text) are their effects on the thyroid hormones, which show amarked reduction over this period. Although the authors do not say it(I suspect that they dare not if they want to get their workpublished) this would result in hypothyroidism, the most importantsymptoms of which are fatigue and obesity.
Contents of Hydroflurosilicic acid
WEEP reader comments:
If cellphone exposure is combined with afluoridated water supply, the low thyroid outcome is even morelikely.
See this history of the fluorine/iodine antagonismconnection, and the use of fluorine-based drugs to treat overactivethyroid.
Pleasejoin the spreading campaign to remove fluoride (from toxic-wastesource) out of drinking water.
'Thiswater-based “wet scrubber” hydrofluorosilicic acid, containingthe contaminants, is then taken out of the chimneys and stored inopen-air cooling lakes, further exposed to airborne contaminants.Industry produces millions of gallons of this liquid hazardous waste.It costs thousands of dollars per ton to properly neutralize anddispose of hydrofluorosilicic acid, therefore, industry would ratherjust sell it to you as“product”.'
Andthen if you are exposed to mercury too... and then the EMF shuts downdetox, well we have got to do something about the use of these toxicsubstances. Martin Weatherall, WEEP.